Stuart J. Whitmore, Author

Books and Newsletter by David Gaughran (recommended resources)

David Gaughran is a writer who has earned a lot of respect in indie writing circles for having his finger on the pulse of what is going on in the industry, including what works to build up a writing career. His book Following, which you can only get by signing up for his newsletter (at the link above), is an excellent quick-start guide that will save you a lot of time if you're starting out as an indie writer. It's not "one weird trick," it's a guide that will steer you away from pursuits that may not improve the size of your audience or your earnings.

Aside from his newsletter and the free book that comes with it, he has published a number of books that go into greater detail about different aspects of building a successful career in writing and publishing. Check out the titles below to learn more and boost your career.